Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sorting Your Key To Success

I am a Sorter, I sort through the people I know and meet to find those that want to use my product and join me as a Sorter.
As a Sorter I use tools that I know others can use. Tools that old and young can quickly sort through the people they know and meet, tools that are simple and duplicate in nature. My Sorting experience has taught me that the tools do a far better job of explaining what I do and the products I offer.
As a Sorter I focus on the activity of Sorting and teaching others to sort. I do not focus on the outcome only the activity of sorting. Activities that help me sort and find those like me and see teaching others to do the same.
As a Sorter, I know there will be many who will not purchase my products or become sorters with me. I know I must have a tough skin and not worry about all those who do not join. I do not worry about why they don't. I realize I am only looking for the few like me and help those find the people like them who find a few like them.
Me being a Sorter, I understand that it may take me a year or two to find the few who will sort like me. I realize there will be several join me who quit for various reasons. This does not stop me from carrying on.
As a Sorter I will not quit until I have mastered the art of sorting and have taught enough people to carry on the art of sorting.
I sort and pass on the sorting tools so I can help as many people as I can reach their financial dreams and goals.
I Am Arlen Chlad, A Master Sorter
